A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Full Synopsis: https://forums.rpgmakerweb.com/index.php?threads/adventure-through-the-vortex-of...

You've woken up in a dark, mysterious cave... You see a fairy-person... THING standing at the exit of the cave, and they tell you you are this world's last hope for being saved. However, they didn't really tell you why, or how to really even do anything. You have faint memories of a past life, but none of them feel real. As you explore the world, you realize what's truly at play here: a chaotic being called The SHADOW is supposedly causing mass suffering and terrorism throughout the lands... supposedly. (What even is the name of this place?) For now, though, your best shot at figuring out how anything works is to just do what the fairy-thing says. Throughout all of this, though, you feel that... something... SOMEONE else is at play here, and is controlling you all like puppets.

Falken: It's you... probably. Your main trait is that you are good at counterattacking, but you have the urge to be really apathetic at the same time. You have a sense of humor... or sickness. Whatever it is, you have to accept this is you now.

Corgon: A dark elf who likes two things: Punching things and eating sandwiches. He's very full of himself, and is often very trigger-happy. You're pretty sure he never went to school, since when you knock on his head, it sounds hallow. He's very optimistic, however, and often lightens the mood when things are tough.

Pyxis: She's a former student from a school that specializes in teaching magic, but the students are never allowed to leave. You managed to help her escape, but now you have both the school's superintendent and principal on your tail, chasing immortality... for some reason. Besides that, she's very snarky, and is often frank with what she says... except around Corgon, for some reason. Whatever. At least she's good at zapping things.

Slime: Literally a slime. He knows fluent English for some reason, and he likes to travel the world for the fun of it. After meeting each other a couple times, he decides to join you on your quest. He's still trying to become a good hero, and he's certainly trying his best. (He makes a good shield.) ...You feel something odd about him... Something familiar.

???: It's the fairy... person... thing. She refuses to tell you anything about herself. That's basically it.

This is your life now.
Credits: Google Docs
Price: The game is free! Play it now!

How to run on android: https://itch.io/t/1278376/how-to-play-on-android

How to play on Web: Download the "web" file, unzip it, and look for the "index.html" file. You can play it from there! (Not available right now)



Windows.zip 780 MB

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